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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College


Am I eligible for CARES Act funds?

Eligible students must meet the following criteria:

  • 必须在2020年春季学期注册至少一门面对面课程;
  • Must be enrolled in a degree program;
  • 必须有资格获得第四章援助(联邦财政援助,包括学生贷款);
  • 应该有2019-2020或2020-2021年的FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助)档案(可以在2019-2020年申请 through June 30, 2020);
  • 入学受到COVID-19的影响,并产生了住房费用, food, course materials, technology, healthcare, or childcare;
  • Cannot be an international or undocumented student.

What does it mean to be “eligible to receive Title IV aid?”

  • be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen;
  • have a valid Social Security number;
  • be registered with Selective Service, if you are a male (you must register between the ages of 18 and 25);
  • Have a 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 FAFSA on file. (FAFSA can be filed at, the 2019-2020 FAFSA is due by June 30th)

I am an international student and not a citizen of the United States. Am I eligible for a CARES Act grant?

No. Eligible students must be eligible to file a FAFSA. International and undocumented students are not eligible to file a FAFSA.

How can students apply for CARES Act funds?

符合条件的学生将被发送一个链接到您的GCC电子邮件帐户,以申请CARES法案资金.  Funds may be limited in number and size due to funding constraints, therefore we encourage applicants to apply by June 30, 2020. 您将在提交申请后的5个工作日内通过GCC电子邮件收到申请批准或拒绝的通知.

What are the types of expenses covered by CARES Act funding?

Eligible expenses for CARES Act funding include, but are not necessarily limited to, medical, food, housing, utilities, technology expenses, relocation costs to return home, unexpected childcare, course materials, 以及因新冠肺炎危机导致校园中断的其他意外费用.

How much funding will I get?




How long before I know if I’m awarded?

我们预计会有大量的申请,并将尽快处理提交的申请. Our goal is to provide funding decisions as soon as possible, 最好在5个工作日内完成,具体取决于您的申请是否充分. We recomend setting up direct deposit as outlined below.

What documentation am I required to submit for the CARES Act application?

Students will be required to submit the application. 如果需要,关怀委员会可以根据教育部和纽约州立大学的指导方针联系其他文件. 委员会将通过电子邮件与学生联系,并概述所需的任何证明文件.

How will I receive the funding if my request is approved?

Direct deposit is the fastest way to receive your funding. Designate your bank account in your MyGCC account. Follow the instructions below to manage your refund:

  1. Login to your MyGCC account
  2. Click on My Account
  3. Click on My Banner Self-Service
  4. Click on Manage My Student Account
  5. Click on Manage My Refund
  6. 输入您的银行账户信息(需要路由号码和账号)

The College processes weekly refunds each Thursday.  那些在每周的过程中有资格获得退款的学生将在下周二存入他们的资金.  由于申请量大,我们目前无法容纳特殊要求.

If you are not able to set up a direct deposit account, you will be mailed a paper check, 由富国银行签发并邮寄到存档的邮寄地址(如果没有邮寄地址,支票将邮寄到永久地址). 请注意,这种方法可能需要几个星期才能收到支票.  请务必在myGCC中检查您的地址,以确保我们有您的正确地址.

I graduate this semester. Can I still receive assistance?

Yes, graduates are encouraged to apply by June 30, 2020. The fastest way to receive the funds is by direct deposit, see above.

I need more funding. Can I reapply for more than what I originally requested?

目前,学院根据与纽约州立大学商定的程序授予学生. If a student needs additional funding they can contact to request a supplemental grant application. CARES委员会将于2020年7月6日开始审查补充请求.

I know of a GCC student who needs financial help. Where do I refer them to?

符合条件的学生将被发送一个链接到他们的GCC电子邮件帐户,以申请CARES法案资金.  Funds may be limited in number and size due to funding constraints, therefore we encourage applicants to apply by June 30, 2020. 学生将在提交申请后的5个工作日内通过GCC电子邮件收到申请批准或被拒绝的通知.

按照联邦政府的要求,《lol电竞菠菜》的一半资金将拨给海湾合作委员会的学生. How is the College using the other 50 percent of the funds distributed?

各院校将在未来几周内收到高等教育紧急救济基金机构份额的拨款和指导. 由于持续的COVID-19危机,各院校将能够利用这些资金支付与教学发生重大变化相关的费用.

HEERF Student Aid Funds

联邦政府根据冠状病毒援助设立了高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF), Relief, and Economic Stability Act (CARES) on March 27, 2020 a portion of which, Student Aid Funds, is to be used to provide emergency assistance to students. 补充资金后来通过《lol菠菜竞猜》获得授权, 2021 (CRRSAA)/(HEERF II)和美国救援计划(ARP)/(HEERF III),以继续支持高等教育机构为学生提供服务,并确保在COVID-19大流行期间继续学习.


As a recipient of HEERF Student Aid Funds, 联邦教育部(ED)要求杰纳西社区学院每季度报告以下内容:

  1. 确认认证协议已签署并返回联邦教育部(ED),并保证该机构已使用, or intends to use, all of the Student Aid Funds to provide emergency grants to students.
  2. 该机构将收到或已收到的高等教育综合基金总额.
  3. The total amount of emergency grants distributed to students.
  4. 估计有资格获得紧急补助金的学生总数.
  5. The total number of students who received an emergency grant.
  6. 该机构用来确定哪些学生将获得紧急资助以及他们将获得多少资金的方法. [Awarding Methodology]

Any instructions, directions, 或者由学校提供给学生的lol菠菜竞猜紧急助学金的指导.

Initial 30-Day Report – July 9, 2020 – HEERF I

Genesee Community College has distributed $595,439.63 under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act as of July 9, 2020

Genesee Community College has determined 1,609 根据1965年《lol电竞菠菜》第四章第484条的规定,该机构的学生有资格参加课程,因此有资格根据《lol电竞菠菜》第18004(a)(1)条向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.

743 学生已根据《lol电竞菠菜》第18004(a)(1)条获得紧急经济援助补助金 July 9, 2020.

45-Day Report – August 23, 2020

Genesee Community College has distributed $645,803.22 under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act as of August 23, 2020

Genesee Community College has determined 1,609 根据1965年《lol电竞菠菜》第四章第484条的规定,该机构的学生有资格参加课程,因此有资格根据《lol电竞菠菜》第18004(a)(1)条向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.

829 学生已根据《lol电竞菠菜》第18004(a)(1)条获得紧急经济援助补助金 August 23, 2020.

Federal Disclosure Reporting Chart

以下是通过CARES提供的HEERF学生援助基金的综合季度报告摘要, CRRSAA, and the ARP.

Report Period 院校即将收到或已收到的高等教育综合资助基金总额(合计) 发放给学生的紧急补助金总额(仅按季度计算) Total number of students who received an Emergency Grant (Quarterly Only) 发放给学生的紧急补助金总额(累积)(自愿披露) 获得紧急补助金的学生总数(累积)(自愿披露)
Quarterly Report for March 31, 2021 Posted on 4/6/2021 $1,242,440 $0* 0* $1,242,440 1,387
Quarterly Report for June 30, 2021 Posted on 7/8/2021 $2,484,880 $1,212,320 1,124 $2,484,880 2,511
Quarterly Report for September 30, 2021 (Posted 5/6/2022) $2,484,880 $31,400 267 $31,402.50 2,778
Quarterly Report for December 31, 2021 (Posted 5/6/2022) $4,727,737.50 $2,242,857.50 1536 $2,192,757.50 4,314
Quarterly Report for March 31, 2022 (Posted 5/6/2022) $4,719,366.25 -$8,371.25 50 $21,593.75 4,364

*Click the HEERF I, II, and III links for the following required reporting elements listed above: (1) the acknowledgement that the institution signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement; (4) the estimated total number of students at the institution that are eligible to receive emergency grants; (6) Awarding Methodology; and (7) any instructions, directions, 或者由学校提供给学生的lol菠菜竞猜紧急助学金的指导.

HEERF Institutional Funds

以下是通过CARES提供的HEERF机构基金所需的季度报告, CRRSAA, and the ARP:

lol电竞菠菜承认该机构的授权代表已经签署并将该机构使用的认证和协议交还给该部门, or intends to use, 不少于根据《lol电竞菠菜》第18004(a)(1)条向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金的资金的50%.

Genesee Community College has received or will receive $2,484,880 根据《lol电竞菠菜》,由教育部颁发. The estimated total number of eligible students to receive funds is 2,733人有资格获得紧急赠款(方法见上文链接).

Cumulative Report (period covers 6/11/20 to 10/19/20)

Genesee Community College has distributed $1,242,440.00 under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act as of November 23, 2020

Genesee Community College has determined 1,609 根据1965年《lol电竞菠菜》第四章第484条的规定,该机构的学生有资格参加课程,因此有资格根据《lol电竞菠菜》第18004(a)(1)条向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.

1,387 学生已根据《lol电竞菠菜》第18004(a)(1)条获得紧急经济援助补助金 November 23, 2020.

HEERF III Methodology, Student Awards, Communication and Plan


杰纳西社区学院将根据佩尔资格和EFC优先为有特殊需要的学生提供紧急资助. Awards will be posted to the student account. 退款金额将被覆盖,以确保全额退款,而不会被学生账户余额抵消. The refunds will be processed through Nelnet. 学生可以通过他们的内部网帐户(MyGCC)管理他们的退款选项。. 学生可以选择将退款直接存入他们的银行账户或可充值的借记卡. 未选择上述任何一种选项的学生将收到纸质支票并邮寄.

  • lol电竞菠菜不会为学生提供选择,以肯定地“选择加入”申请HEERF III学生援助紧急补助金.
  • Genesee Community College will withhold 6.高等教育综合基金第三期资金的31%可酌情用于向学生提供紧急补助金. These students will be asked to submit an application to request funding.
    • 难民、庇护种子者、DACA接受者、其他梦想者和类似的无证学生
    • Students with an EFC outside of the Block Grant range
    • International students, including those attending online
  • lol电竞菠菜不会为学生提供选择,以肯定地“选择加入”申请HEERF II学生援助紧急补助金.

Additional Student Awards

Genesee Community College will withhold 2.HEERF III的42%的资金将提供给根据佩尔资格参加2021年夏季课程的学生. 整体补助金将根据截至2022年11月7日人口普查日期的计费时间发放.

Student Communication and Plan

符合条件的学生将通过电子邮件通知可用的HEERF III资助资金, automated calls/texts and campus staff outreach. The communication will include the SUNY provided statement:
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, 资金已通过《lol菠菜竞猜》提供,用于向学生发放紧急补助金,以支付有关的费用 学生出勤费用或因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用的任何组成部分. Eligible expenses include tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care), or childcare. 学校认为你有资格获得紧急补助金,金额为$000 FT/ $000 PT. 这不是贷款,不需要偿还,也不会影响你2021-2022学年的经济援助奖励金额. 学生必须明白,通知学生会计办公室是他们的责任 如果他们的开支不会达到或超过紧急补助金的数额,就立即发放.